Katedra Dydaktyki Przekładu


Across Borders Conference Ten. Difficult Neighbourhoods: The Semiotics of Conflict 23-25 September

  • access_time 19 marca 2024

The Institute of Humanities of the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Krosno, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, St. Mary’s University College, Queen’s University, Belfast, and Cracow Tertium Society for the Promotion of Language Studies invite you to take part in the international conference entitled: Across Borders Conference Ten, which will be held on September 23-25, 2024 in Krosno, Poland under the leading theme:

Difficult Neighbourhoods:

The Semiotics of Conflict in Culture, Literature and Language.

If a culture defines itself by reference to shared values and symbols, it does so primarily by contrast to the values and symbols shared by another culture, often a neighbouring one.  The neighbourhood of nations gives rise to numerous conflicts of interest (see Kłoskowska 1992 in an article on the social and cultural implications of the difficult Polish-German neighbourhood), and the conflicting views are expressed in semiotic acts that involve contrast, dissent, opposition or hostility in relation to the neighbours. Many wars and revolutions have been preceded by a semiotic construction of conflict and then represented through the language of conflict.

This conference aims to discuss the semiotics and pragmatics of conflict in various discourses of borders and neighbourhoods — geographical, political, religious, ethnic, linguistic, both real and imagined – expressed in widely understood texts of culture.  In recent years, in response to the growing role of infotainment in media and the rise of populism and fake news in the public sphere,  the discourse of conflict has adopted elements of amusement and entertainment.

We  invite interested scholars to submit 20-minute-long papers on the theme of conflict in language, communication, literature, translation, film, media, humour studies, folklore and related fields.

More info: Across Borders Conference Ten – Filologia Angielska PANS w Krośnie (krosno.pl)

Dyżury pracowników

Dr Małgorzata Brożyna-Reczko:
poniedziałek, 13.00-13.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Mira Czarnecka:
środa, 14.00-14.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer, prof. UP:
wtorek, 15.45-16.30 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr hab. Agnieszka Gicala, prof. UP:
wtorek, każdy drugi wtorek od 8.10.2024 11.15-12.00, każdy drugi wtorek od 15.10.2024 9.30-11.15 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Jan Gościński:
piątek, 16.30-17.15 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Małgorzata Kodura:
piątek, 13.15-14.00 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Przemysław Kusik:
wtorek, 9.00-9.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Ewelina Kwiatek:
środa, 12.15-13.00 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Piotr Plichta:
wtorek, 14.00-14.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Milena Yablonsky:
urlop (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Łukasz Zarzycki:
piątek, 10.45-11.30 (semestr zimowy 24/25)

Katedra Dydaktyki Przekładu jest członkiem międzynarodowego Konsorcjum do Badań nad Edukacją Tłumaczy (Consortium for Translation Education Research – CTER).