Katedra Dydaktyki Przekładu


Training and workshops „What will the language professional of tomorrow do?”

  • access_time 1 lutego 2023

Online  event

Language technology plays an increasingly important role in the multilingual European societies we live in, a development that affects the entire language sector. Will the language specialist therefore be replaced by the data scientist or will expert knowledge of languages stay a key competence on the job market?

In cooperation with Drongo, the translation service of the European Commission is organizing a panel discussion between trainers, students, companies, researchers and language professionals about the job market for language experts. The discussion will take place on the occasion of our publication of OTTO: an inventory of training programmes in the field of language and technology in the Netherlands and Belgium. The inventory will also be presented during the online event.

Speakers include Nikola Kunte (EMT), Iulianna van der Lek – Ciudin (Clarin Eric/Upskills), Patrick Goethals (University of Ghent), Margreet Dorleijn  (literary translator), Dennis Lindberg (Tilburg University), Tom Vanallemeersch (CrossLang, Ghent), Jourik Ciesielski (Yamagata Europe), Maaike Verrips (Drongo), Dries Debackere (De Taalsector). The discussion will be moderated by Emma Hartkamp (European Commission).

This event is of interest to trainers, students, employers in the language industry, buyers of language services, and future and experienced language professionals.

With OTTO and with this event, we aim to contribute to the vitality of the language industry, the attractiveness of this sector for young talents and a better insight into the job market for language specialists.

Practical information

Thursday 9 February 2023, 15:00 CET
Directorate-General for Translation
Part of
Website and registration
Evenement – Drongo

Dyżury pracowników

Dr Małgorzata Brożyna-Reczko:
poniedziałek, 13.00-13.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Mira Czarnecka:
środa, 14.00-14.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer, prof. UP:
wtorek, 15.45-16.30 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr hab. Agnieszka Gicala, prof. UP:
wtorek, każdy drugi wtorek od 8.10.2024 11.15-12.00, każdy drugi wtorek od 15.10.2024 9.30-11.15 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Jan Gościński:
piątek, 16.30-17.15 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Małgorzata Kodura:
piątek, 13.15-14.00 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Przemysław Kusik:
wtorek, 9.00-9.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Ewelina Kwiatek:
środa, 12.15-13.00 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Piotr Plichta:
wtorek, 14.00-14.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Milena Yablonsky:
urlop (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Łukasz Zarzycki:
piątek, 10.45-11.30 (semestr zimowy 24/25)

Katedra Dydaktyki Przekładu jest członkiem międzynarodowego Konsorcjum do Badań nad Edukacją Tłumaczy (Consortium for Translation Education Research – CTER).