Katedra Dydaktyki Przekładu


EST Congress 2022 Advancing Translation Studies

  • access_time 8 października 2021

June 22-24, 2022 – Oslo, Norway
Oslo Metropolitan University and University of Oslo

EST congresses are a unique opportunity to bring together numerous specialists in very
diverse areas of Translation Studies, providing interdisciplinary gatherings that encourage
advancements in the field when common grounds are discussed, areas of study are crossed,
and professional practices are debated. In these times characterized by different degrees of
confinement and isolation but also by critical global challenges on worldwide
communications, both human and machine, in professional and in everyday life, we want to
emphasize the need for fruitful encounters that allow us to continue advancing in our field
towards the future. Translation is always involved in overcoming the challenges of global
communication and defying isolation, and this is why we would like to embrace
advancement as a common and diverse space of collaboration among disciplines while
crossing theoretical approaches and enhancing professional practices.

More information: here.


Dyżury pracowników

Dr Małgorzata Brożyna-Reczko:
poniedziałek, 13.00-13.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Mira Czarnecka:
środa, 14.00-14.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr hab. Joanna Dybiec-Gajer, prof. UP:
wtorek, 15.45-16.30 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr hab. Agnieszka Gicala, prof. UP:
wtorek, każdy drugi wtorek od 8.10.2024 11.15-12.00, każdy drugi wtorek od 15.10.2024 9.30-11.15 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Jan Gościński:
piątek, 16.30-17.15 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Małgorzata Kodura:
piątek, 13.15-14.00 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Przemysław Kusik:
wtorek, 9.00-9.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Ewelina Kwiatek:
środa, 12.15-13.00 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Piotr Plichta:
wtorek, 14.00-14.45 (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Milena Yablonsky:
urlop (semestr zimowy 24/25)
Dr Łukasz Zarzycki:
piątek, 10.45-11.30 (semestr zimowy 24/25)

Katedra Dydaktyki Przekładu jest członkiem międzynarodowego Konsorcjum do Badań nad Edukacją Tłumaczy (Consortium for Translation Education Research – CTER).